********* WHAT IS IS *********
Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.
*** ~ Shel Silverstein ~ ***

Saturday, June 02, 2012

A Whole Year

Another year, another Drachma. So as it began ... what ... 5 6 7 years ago, so it goes again. I may be laid off. Probably will be. Don't think I will have enough money to survive. Stinks fishpot!!!
  I see Google is trying to fuck up Blogger as they have other things they have including Google News and the Most Visited in Google Chrome. One of these days they are going to fuck it up so much that it will become irretrievable. its coming you know. they don't listen & they don't seem to have any idea how ppl actually need or use. Oh well ...
