ok heres the thing * i went to wikipedia and looked up chad a11en and got a virus * thats what they said i had when i entered the bug in bugzilla * i didnt have it till i went to that site and tried to click on that entry * if i try to enter the name with the correct letters ie ***
it turns in to [***] as you can see *
i cant enter any word that uses * a for apple * l for lamb * l for leg
i have etrust ezvirus and i tried norton antivirus but they found nothing
i cant enter these letters in combination * its very frustrating to try to use internet or search and have the entry get messed up * is there anyone outthere * can you help * i choose to type my post this way * the stars or whatever theyre ca11ed * that i put between sentences is just for effect * separation * affectation *
it would be real nice if someone could help * so far nobody seems to come here * but * im hoping someone can tell me how to stop this damn virus thing * i have an old computer * with windows me * and dialup * so its rea11y slow * and ive played with its regedit and system * and ive lost a few things including helpctr.exe * not sure when or how i screwed that up * i think this is a very interesting looking blog with some cool pics * just wish someone would come to visit * leave a comment * show me that someone was here * i like affectation * love irony * sucklife * but this blog thing is good * its late * i should be in bed * i should be young * am not * i am at a young immature place * but old body * i use ones 11 in stead of lls * virus hunters unite * and help please * need to illiminate * [illuminate] this thing * it annoys
love *** [a11]
now it is very late have to get up * much to do * too little time * what a silly widgit