********* WHAT IS IS *********
Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.
*** ~ Shel Silverstein ~ ***

Thursday, August 24, 2006


ok heres the thing * i went to wikipedia and looked up chad a11en and got a virus * thats what they said i had when i entered the bug in bugzilla * i didnt have it till i went to that site and tried to click on that entry * if i try to enter the name with the correct letters ie ***
it turns in to [***] as you can see *
i cant enter any word that uses * a for apple * l for lamb * l for leg
i have etrust ezvirus and i tried norton antivirus but they found nothing
i cant enter these letters in combination * its very frustrating to try to use internet or search and have the entry get messed up * is there anyone outthere * can you help * i choose to type my post this way * the stars or whatever theyre ca11ed * that i put between sentences is just for effect * separation * affectation *
it would be real nice if someone could help * so far nobody seems to come here * but * im hoping someone can tell me how to stop this damn virus thing * i have an old computer * with windows me * and dialup * so its rea11y slow * and ive played with its regedit and system * and ive lost a few things including helpctr.exe * not sure when or how i screwed that up * i think this is a very interesting looking blog with some cool pics * just wish someone would come to visit * leave a comment * show me that someone was here * i like affectation * love irony * sucklife * but this blog thing is good * its late * i should be in bed * i should be young * am not * i am at a young immature place * but old body * i use ones 11 in stead of lls * virus hunters unite * and help please * need to illiminate * [illuminate] this thing * it annoys

love *** [a11]
now it is very late have to get up * much to do * too little time * what a silly widgit

Up the Down Rabbit Hole

lots to say little time to say it in been reading comments about rei-lan and some are pretty mean or homophobic or just downright bitchy
too easy to judge too easy to be bigotted life should be easier nicer less judgemental still it is what it is my blog

nobody comes here except me as far as i know my private space

i have a myspace blog but after i created it i never go there

ive seen several blogspot blogs i like it here better

maybe somebody visits and i just dont know it but i dont think so

i have many pics of rei-lan seems to be alittle excessive obsessive

fag hag i love gay guys

Monday, August 21, 2006

Lance & Reichen

new pics love in a11 the right places saw some blogspot blogs interesting nobody looks at mine and I have some cool stuff