********* WHAT IS IS *********
Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me ...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.
*** ~ Shel Silverstein ~ ***
Save Special Agent Graham Kelton LOVE TO GALE HAROLD
i have to say im rea11y disappointed and upset * after just 2 airings of the new show Vanished * the rumours are that they are going to kill off Gale Harolds character and bring in another actor * that rea11y makes me mad * i watched the show to see Gale * i just love him and love to see him * all the pictures and publicity for this show with pictures of him in the cast * i wondered though * because the inernet news sites kept talking about ming and not Gale * i thought that was funny * now i wonder if they were trying to cash in on Gales QAF fan base * i rea11y dont think i could continue to watch Vanished if they kill off his character * loyalty to an actor * i think is important and i rea11y wanted to see Gale break out and be a big success beyond QAF * i rea11y do just love him * this whole thing has upset me terribly * i want to see Gale Harold * not *** those other actors on the show * and rebecca gayheart is the one they should get rid of * yech * so if they keep Vanished on for the full 13 weeks and kill off gales character in episode 7 * then 7 is my limit * i wont watch it anymore * it just rea11y makes me so sad that they would put him in the show and then take him away * i read some postings on the fox tv site and some said you should be loyal to the show not the actor * but rea11y i rarely watch a show that isnt a documetary or docudrama of something im interested in * the point to the success of a show is its actors * 24 may have killed off a character or many * but youll notice they didnt kill off keifer sutherland and he just won an emmy * i am a gale harold fan * i love to watch him * i love his hands his fingers * so sensuous * i enjoy the way he interprets and i love the way he looks and moves **i intend to be loyal to gale harold and if they do kill off his character * i wont watch anymore * of course this is *** dependent on the show even lasting to episode 7 and beyond *if its ratings hold it might * the problem is of coursethat they have probably already shot the 13 episodes and theres nothing to be done **
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